Sunday, March 30, 2008

Christianity in the New Millenium

Has anyone else noticed how Jesus has become a pop star? I am bombarded by "Christian" bumper stickers as I drive. I saw one just the other day that boasted "Jesus's Cow Girl". Impressive. I knew to drive more careful around her, she had clout. Didn't want to risk a smoting from Her Big Guy.
OK, that was sarcastic. My point is this; from Ann Coulter to Joe Scarborough (and there are allot), all these right wing political bullies have a few common denominators; they are loud, proud, obnoxious, wealthy, indifferent and down right impatient with the poor, the meek, you know, the ones Jesus referred to as "the LEAST of my children" and they ( The Media Bullies) are the prevailing voice of reason to the New Age Culture Club Christian. With the likes of Glenn Beck, weeping over his disabled child in one segment, and then expressing out rage over having to pay taxes to help support people who are just not carrying their own weight in the next. He doesn't bother mentioning that the larger piece of that pie goes to helping the Disabled and the Elderly, those ne'er do wells. He incites the kind of emotions that make for good tax reform. And who are the FIRST to lose their services? Not your FAT CAT politicians, it's services for the disables, meals on wheels for the elderly, medicaid services that provide health care for both groups, oh - and those lazy uninsured CHILDREN. But, by God, that Christian man worked hard for his money, and if a few old people eat dog food, or disabled end up homeless, that must be God's will, right? That's right, the Modern Christian take on The Lord and Finances are simple - God's favorites are blessed with money. The rest - get what they deserve.
I remember the church of my youth, I was sure and still am, that my Preacher knelt by his bed side and asked for Gods divine inspiration for the up coming service. Now Topics are chosen at the Conventions and sermons are out lined in Memorandums and faxed by Thursday.
These things, and a few more I will discuss with you later, drove me away from my Church...but worse...from my Faith. But some really important factors - also that I will discuss later, kept me from total rejection of the savior I had known and loved.
A few thoughts I want to leave you with, The Sermon on the Mount. That was Jesus. That is Jesus. "In the end, so many of you will come to me saying "Look Look at all I did in your name" to which I will reply, "Go away from me, you never even knew me"."
God be with you all - and may Jesus and his mercy and love give you peace and comfort.
Later! Song I dedicate to you all this week - "Carry on my wayward son " Boston (i think..or was it styx? I get them confused.) ( - ;